Announcing Selenium Conf ’14: Bangalore, India

It makes me enormously happy and proud to announce that the Selenium Conference 2014 will be held in Bangalore on the 4-6 September.

It makes me enormously happy and proud to announce that the Selenium Conference 2014 will be held in Bangalore on the 4-6 September. I’m looking forward to seeing you there!

One of the plans we’ve had from the very beginning for SeConf was that it was going to be a conference for the community of people who make Selenium such a fun project to work on. One way to do this was to host the conference where the largest groups of people using Selenium are found. We kicked off the first conference in San Francisco mainly because of the large number of Selenium users there (and, I’ll be honest, because that’s where the organising team had the most experience and contacts!)

In Europe, that large pool was London, so we held the second conference there. We had originally planned for the third conference to be in New York, but that proved to be a little too expensive, so we moved it North a little to Boston. Essentially, the pattern is that we alternate between the US one year and The Rest of the World the other.

That brings us to the planning for Selenium Conference this year. We had a look at the data available to us, and noticed that there were two areas of the world that it would be great to take the conference to. Selenium Camp, hosted in Kiev each year, does a great job of catering to one of these groups, so that leaves the second.

It’s India’s turn. 🙂

Thank you to everyone who’s already poured so much heart and spirit into this conference. We’ll be putting up a call for papers and more details soon, so please stay tuned!

Last modified August 7, 2021: Renaming directory (e9895f27c2)